What We Do
The Board of Commissioners of the GASSD has developed the following strategies that govern its yearly objectives:
• to grow the business base on Grand Avenue;
• to care for Grand Avenue as a customer destination; and
• to provide oversight and consistency over the best use of real estate on Grand Avenue.
Since its creation, the GASSD has been governed by an all volunteer Board of eleven Commissioners. The GASSD has a strong partnership with the police sub-station located on Blatchley Avenue and all matters of safety are discussed with the Fair Haven District Supervisor, who attends the GASSD monthly meetings. A strong working partnership exists between the New Haven Police Department and the GASSD. The Board of Commissioners meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 4 PM at the Spanish American Merchants Association, 258 Grand Avenue, and all meetings are open to the public. The Board of Commissioners is responsible for determining the District’s budget, corresponding assessment and expenditures. The Board supervises its cleaning contract with its partner, Marrakech, Inc. which hires individuals with special needs, some of whom live in Fair Haven. The Annual Meeting is held in February of every year as required by its By-Laws and also as required by City Ordinance, the Board of Commissioners sees to it that all quarterly and yearly reports are sent to the governing agencies. The GASSD envisions a business-robust Avenue, clean, safe, filled with customers and vibrant with business opportunities. The Grand Special Services District seeks to attain a strong, vibrant, retail-successful Avenue that is a desired customer destination for New Haven residents and visitors.